Seeing 2020

A new year, once again.

This is a stepping place for me, I think.  I’ve made few Resolutions in my life, and kept even fewer, but this time I Resolve To:

Write more, whether in a notebook or on my laptop.  I’ve stories to tell, and I don’t necessarily need an audience.

Get healthy.  Seriously.  I’m 50 years old now, and I need to get straight with this.  I’ve only got one body and one life, so I have to make this work.

Finish an unfinished project.  There are a few to choose from, so I’m not exactly lacking in ideas.

Renew my Spirituality.  I used to worship Solitarily.  Then I found a Coven–and it didn’t exactly pan out.  Then I found another Coven, and I was with them for years.  But people being people, things fizzled when someone(s) got too big for their britches and the HP/S called the whole thing off.  Then I was entreated to start my own group–until I was majorly betrayed by some very close friends.  So I’m Solitary again, and it’s not so bad.  I just needed to find my center again, and I think I finally did that.

I hope your New Year is all that it promises to be!!

As ever, thanks for reading.  There is surely more to come.

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